Saturday, August 28, 2010
Miscreants open fire near US Consulate in Peshawar
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tendulkar's world-record 200 boosts India

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

STATISTICAL DATA OF WWW.GOLDMINEINT.COM : users come from these countries:
United States2.3%
Other countries6.0% traffic rank in other countries:
United States1,298,924

wednesday, December2, 2009
UPON ENORMOUS REQUEST FROM OUR FELLOWS AND FRIENDS, WE HAVE INVESTIGATED THIS SCAM COMPANY IN PAKISTAN,WHICH IS ALSO OPERATING IN OTHER Asian COUNTRIES. (This investigation is carried out REHMAN KHANFirst we have to know that how GMI (GOLDMINE INTERNATIONAL) works and what is their business structure. GMI (GOLDMINE INTERNATIONAL) works on the basis of pyramid scheme which is defined as:
"A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent investing plan that has unfortunately cost many people worldwide their hard-earned savings. The concept behind the pyramid scheme is simple and should be easy to identify; however, it is often presented to potential investors in a disguised or slightly altered form. For this reason, it is important to not only understand how pyramid schemes work, but also to be familiar with the many different shapes and sizes they ca n take".

The Scheme: As its name indicates, the pyramid scheme is structured like a pyramid. It starts with one person - the initial recruiter - who is on top, at the apex of the pyramid. This person recruits a second person, who is required to "invest" $100 which is paid to the initial recruiter. In order to make his or her money back, the new recruit must recruit more people under him or her, each of whom will also have to invest $100. If the recruit gets 10 more people to invest, this person will make $900 with just a $100 investment. The 10 new people become recruiters and each one is in turn required to enlist an additional 10 people, resulting in a total of 100 more people. Each of those 100 new recruits is also obligated to pay $100 to the person who recruited him or her; recruiters get a profit of all of the money received minus the initial $100 paid to the person who recruited them. The process continues until the base of the pyramid is no longer strong enough to support the upper structure (meaning there are no more recruits).
The Fraud: The problem is that the scheme cannot go on forever because there is a finite number of people who can join the scheme (even if all the people in the world join). People are deceived into believing that by giving money they will make more money ("with an investment of just $100, you will receive $900 in return"). But no wealth has been created; no product has been sold; no investment has been made; and no service has been provided. The fraud lies in the fact that it is impossible for the cycle to sustain itself, so people will lose their money somewhere down the line. Those who are most vulnerable are those towards the bottom of the pyramid, where it becomes impossible to recruit the number of people required to pay off the previous layer of recruiters. This kind of fraud is illegal in the Unites States and most countries throughout the world. It is estimated that 90% of people who get involved in a pyramid scheme will lose their money.
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Legal multi-level marketing (MLM) involves being recruited in order to sell a product or service that actually has some inherent value. As a recruit, you can make a profit from the sales of the product or service, so you don't necessarily have to recruit more salespeople below you. And while you may be encouraged to recruit other salespeople whose sales would give you more profit, you can stick to just selling the product directly to the consumer if you choose. A pyramid scheme MLM, however, will most likely sell a product with no independent value. The product could take the form of reports of some kind, for example, or mailing lists. In this kind of pyramid scheme, you would be required to recruit new members into the MLM in order to make a profit and keep the MLM alive. Joining the MLM is the only reason anyone would buy the products sold by this pyramid scheme.
Ponzi Schemes: Named after Charles Ponzi, who ran such a plot from 1919-1920, the Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment plan. It is not necessarily a pyramid, which is hierarchical. In a Ponzi scheme, there is one person who takes people's money as an "investment" and does not necessarily tell them how their returns will be generated. As such, the people's return on investment could be generated by anything; it could come from money taken from new investors - which means new investors essentially pay off the old investors.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Recharge Your Mobile Card For Free
Hey..... If u have a cell phone,
Recharge ur phone every month freely by following this process
Please follow the instruction & you can recharge your SIM card absolutely free and check the banner.
Yes it is possible, see how technology can be used to make technicians fool.
I just got a mail from a friend of mine, whose friend is P.hD from AIOU, teaching me how to reload my hand set every month for free.
Engineered by a group of rebel programmers. I am going to share this to all of you.
Please follow the instructions as stated below before you start it:
Applicable for TELENOR, MOBILINK JAZZ, UFONE, WARID and PAKTEL users only and it is done illegally of course. But there are many things that are illegal in this world.
But then who cares. Don't worry nobody can trap you. No legal action can be taken on you for this. So go ahead without worrying.
You can only do this every 24th & 25th of the month as the network system is under upgrade.
1.) ** Dial " 1415007 " using your h/phone and wait for 5 second
2.) ** after 5 second, you will hear some funny noise (like sound from TV when the station is finished)
3.) ** Once the noise stop, immediately dial 9151 follow by your phone number
4.) ** A recorded message "please insert your pin number" will follow
5.) ** punch in the pin number " 011785 45227 00734" and wait for the operator finish repeating the above pin number.
6.) ** After the pin number has been repeat, dial " 0345-for TELENOR, "0321-for WARID" . "0300-for MOBILINK JAZZ" and "0333 for UFONE"
7.) ** you will hear a message "for air time top-up press 1723" you just have to follow the instruction
8.) ** After you follow the instruction, the noisy sound will re-appear for about 5 second
9.) ** once the noise stop, dial " 4455147 " follow by " 146 "
10.) ** after about 5 second, dial " 1918 " after 3 second dial " 4451"
11.) ** after you done that, punch in the serial number " 01174452271145527 " you will hear dial tone.
12.) ** once the dialing tone stop, dial " 55524785933 " you will hear " please key in your password"
13.) ** the password is " **** 2+253+7891*+ 546322 " wait for the message "your password accepted"
14.) ** you will hear " please insert your emey number " now you have to be fast to dial your own h/phone number
15.) ** you will hear a dialing tone, when the call is answered, dial " 1566 " and you will hear "re-confirm emery number"
16.) ** once you hear that message, dial " 6011556 2245334 follow by your h/phone number"
17.) ** after a while, you will hear a message "your pin number is accepted" you have to dial " 1007 "
18.) ** after you done that you will hear "your emery number is accepted"
19.) ** continue dial " 4566 " you will hear "your password is accepted"
20.) ** once the second message finish, immediately dial your own h/phone number
21.) ** Now you will receive a message saying ..........
"NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD, . SO, GET BACK TO WORK AND DON'T WASTE TIME !!"Bye......... Bye...... --------------------
little child at WAGHA border
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pakistani Actress Meera (Real Name: Irtiza Rubab)’s Wedding Ceremony
The marriage of film star Meera was revealed on Sunday after a dispute arose over Meera’s mother Shafqat Zara shifting antique furniture belonging to the film star’s husband Attiqur Rehman (also spelled Attiq-ur-Rehman / Atteeq-ur-Rehman / Attique-ur-Rahman / Atteeq-ur-Rahman).
Defence-A Police Station House Officer (SHO) Inspector Abid Rasheed told a local newspaper that he had seen the nikahnama (marriage certificate), according to which the nikah (marriage contract) was solemnized on September 2, 2007. He said the nikahnama was duly registered with the local union council. The SHO said he had also questioned the nikah khawan in Makkah Colony, who confirmed that he had performed the nikah!
Antique furniture: He said Attique had claimed that Meera’s mother, Shafqat Zara Begum, secretly shifted the antiques from Attique’s house without informing him.
The SHO quoted Attique as saying he had asked his mother-in-law not to steal the antiques. Attique said he had gifted the actress a house in G-Block DHA, and did not want her to return it. According to the nikahnama that Attique showed to the police, he should pay Rs 20 million to Meera if he divorces her. He is also bound to pay Rs 0.1 million to her as pocket money. The dower money is stated at Rs 0.5 million.
Pictures of the marriage were also reportedly released to some TV channels (hurray, we have got you a video instead). Police came to know of the incident after Attique called on emergency 15 and said his father-in-law, mother-in-law and their other son-in-law Raheel were beating him. Police arrested five men of each party from the scene, and took them to the police station. Later, they were released and told to return to the police station on Sunday at 10pm.