LAHORE: The General Manager of Railways Saeed Akhtar has term the statement of the nine-year-old Noshad who jump for a goods moving train as fake and self-made false story.
He said the six different trains, traveling through Samasatta track have been checkered, thoroughly searched and given approval by district police but no evidence favoring the incident could be found.
It is hard to believe that nine-year-old boy jumped safely from seven feet high container and did not receive injuries but we still we are look into the complain, GM added.
He said the six different trains, traveling through Samasatta track have been checkered, thoroughly searched and given approval by district police but no evidence favoring the incident could be found.
It is hard to believe that nine-year-old boy jumped safely from seven feet high container and did not receive injuries but we still we are look into the complain, GM added.
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